Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Design Star I am not...

With all this pintrest-ing I am doing I find myself looking around my home (or closest) and wishing that my life looked a little more put together. That things were a little more classy and less...we are just out of college and can't afford crap. Mind you, we are not broke college students but we certainly feel this way. We have a 4 year old couch that we would love to get rid of. When we bought it, I loved it. I did not however realize that this couch would be nearly impossible to clean. The cushions don't come off, so you can't just throw them in the wash. Also, apparently there is a type of microfiber that you cannot wash with water. And should you need to clean anything off your couch, the water in anything will leave very sweet water spots.

We also have 2 lamps in our living room because there is no overhead light. The only overhead light comes from out "dining" room which kind of flows in to the living room area. These 2 lamps hardly put out any light. With is being dark when we leave for the morning and also when we come home from work,  it would be nice to have a little light in the area we spend the most time in.

So along with our couch that is driving me crazy, we also have some very Wal-Mart Special furniture. Mainly two short bookcases that have been screwed together to make behind the couch shelving, and a squares within a square shelving unit holding a bunch of junk. The one thing that we still really like in our living room is {another} Wal-Mart Special entertainment center. And no, it is not real wood, it is fake wood laminate, but it looks nice and is holding together for now.

I know that we need to get rid of stuff. But I have a hard time either finding a place to store, or just tossing out things like photo albums, books (not good books, but like Christian "chick-lit"), little odds and ends such as nail files, polish, cords, mini lotions, and other random stuff. Also a collection of Friends DVD's that I haven't even touched in YEARS. I have a hard time figuring out what to do with this stuff, and I am sure that anyone reading this would probably be saying "Throw that crap out, you freaking hoarder!"

My goal is to make a decorating budget. New couch, chair, storage, and DECORATIONS. Pictures, picture frames, a lamp that actually puts out light and storage. Something functional and practical for our growing family with a "soon" to be mobile toddler (that day is coming sooner than I am prepared for!!).  But I would also like it to be pretty. And I am not sure that I can accomplish everything I am wanting and needing on an ikea budget.

All suggestions and comments are welcomed! I have no idea how to make my dreams come alive.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Flipping ditto my friend. New couches soon in my house. Working on it little by little... Just pick a room... and work on that room till its done is what we are doing.