Thursday, March 10, 2011

35 Weeks

How far along?:  35 Weeks (8.75 months)

Total weight gain:  Somewhere around 30 lbs. 

How big is Baby?:  Probably 5 lbs. He is about the size of a large cantaloupe. 

Maternity clothes? Um, yeah. 

Stretch marks?: Still the same. My tummy is pristine for the moment =)

Sleep?: Some days are better than others. Generally I only wake up once. But this week, my back has been aching when I wake up for the day (no fun) and I work up 3 times in one night (at least that was only once)

Movement?: Like a ninja!

Food cravings?: No cravings. But we have eaten soooo horribly this week! Not a lot of home made good foods. Lots of fatty foods and some take out. Bad bad bad!!!

Labor Signs:  Nope. Few braxton hicks. Maybe one per day. 

Milestone: Getting Hyatt's room together!

How's Mom?: Today has been horrible. Not pregnancy wise but just being frustrated and mad and hormonal. So I guess that is pregnancy related. Work was okay....crazy but alright. On my way home, I get a message from the hubs that says he is playing frisbee golf and will be home late. I am instantly annoyed because I put dinner in the croc pot and was really excited to have dinner with him. So I call him back, no answer. And Ms. Preggo hormones over here is extra pissed off over this for some reason. So I get home, and the lovely dinner that I started preparing last night and then put in the croc pot this morning is burned. And I am soooooo overly mad and upset over this. This is the second dinner that has been ruined in the croc pot. On warm! So I have no husband home, and a burnt dinner. And that was all I could take today. I march my hiney back to my car, head to Wal-Mart and buy myself a different croc pot. One that I've used before and never has burned my meals. And on the way home, I start crying. Yep. I cried over my burnt dinner. And then the husband doesn't show up for another hour after that. And that makes me cry again. Because he missed what would have been our dinner. Even though it was burnt. And then I yell at him. Awesome. I am a lovely preggo wife tonight. Thankfully all is forgiven in our house, and I even got breakfast for dinner made by my lovely hubs. 

I'm hoping Friday goes better than Thursday! And that by the weekend, this strange hormonal lady who has taken over my body is GONE!


P.S Don't buy a Rival croc pot!!! Apparently I am not the only one who has burned things in it. The crappy thing burned dinner on warm!. 

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