Wednesday, April 14, 2010


One of the blogs that I read regularly is called Super funny. Any-who, JMoney was talking about financial goals and how many is too many. And I thought maybe I should share what my goals are. The way I see it is if I put my goals out there then I will feel obligated to complete them. Which is a good thing. So here it goes:

Goal #1
Pay off all credit card debt. This is something that J and I have been working on for a while. We are down to our last credit card with less that $3,000 to go. Which may sound like a lot to some, but to us this is a whole heck of a lot of progress. Should be paid off in less that 8 months. 6 if we are really diligent.

Goal #2
Create an Emergency Fund of at least $5,000. This number makes me feel safe. Actually I would feel even better at $10,000 but I think that I should set my sights a little lower at first. Right now we are at just over $2,000. We should get to 5K in less than a year. I am putting all of our excess money towards savings but I need a little more time to estimate what J's paychecks are before I nail down a better timeline.

Goal #3
Save for fun stuff. I would really like to have a bigger budget for things that are fun in our lives. We have two trips that are coming up that we would like to go on. Maui 2011 and Guam 2012. I know that we will make them, we just need to save for them now. Also I know both J and I would like to do more fun things. Wether it is going shopping, out to dinner, or something else, I know that we both would love a little more fun in our lives.

Goal #4
Buy a new mattress. OMG we need one badly. We own a full mattress that is very old and very used and been passed on down to us. We would love to buy a brand spankin' new queen Temporpedic (or off brand) mattress. In a perfect world we would get this mattress directly after we get based. But I feel like J should be involved in the process so I sort of need his body to test with me. It's gonna happen. Sleeping on a full mattress (and a lumpy one at that) is making me even more grumpy in the mornings than I usually am.

Welp, those are my goals. Mostly financial, but what can I say. I am a PF nerd at heart. =)

*Paraphrased*...For I know the plans that I have for you. Plans for good and not for disaster. Plans to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29-11

This verse is my life verse. I am a planner at heart and I continually need to give my plans over to God and let him take control in my life. He always knows where I am going and where I have been. He has the map, I'm just along for the ride.

Love and God Bless!


Amanda said...

I need to be more like you L! I am so excited to get "that" chunk of money I have coming my way, because it will take care of all of our debt but the car. It will buy us a few things that we want/need. I am getting a new camera(happy dance) J will get new tires for his quad(because I am nice) I will get new tires on my car(because I NEED them). And from there the rest goes into savings.

I am so jealous you are going to Maui. SO stinking jealous. I miss hawaii more than I can explain in words.

You're so money smart, and I love it!

A new bed is a MUST!!! OH MY GOSH youre still in a full!!!!!!?????? We are in a king size now, and I will NEVER ever ever go back. It is big enough for J and I and Tucker if he is so compelled to lay with us for 5 min. Ruger is retarded and a terrible jumper so he stays off. lol

Miss you dearly friend! I love that you are blogging now!!!!

Amanda said...

OH and I know one more of your goals =) Just like you know one of mine =)

L said...

Yes you do know one of my other goals!!! Someday!

We used to have a king bed but it took over our bedroom. To create more space we traded a friend of mine for her full. After 2 years on a king it was very hard to transition to such a small bed. But if forced us to cuddle more (which I normally wouldn't do) and gave us the space we were craving in our room. Now once wee buy a larger bed, I think we will only go to a queen. Keeps the dogs on the floor!

I love love love Hawaii. I am really hoping we get based there sometime. Exept I have heard that it is very expensive. Well, where ever we get based will have a beach. Hopefully it's a sunny one!!

I'm more than willing to share my bidget with you. I love telling my money where to go. It makes me feel good! And congrats on paying off your last debt! That is exciting! I am stoked to get rid of ours, then I will start working on my car I think. I know we will probably sell it before it's paid off but I want to get as much money out of it as we can. Seriously, J and I need a third person to go with us and say "No you freakin idiot, you will get rid of you car with only two doors in less than three years to upgrade to the SAME car with 4 doors." Or "Seriously? 30K for a truck? You are a ratard and will lose money on your truck trading it in for a sensible 4 door car." We need supervision when it comes to cars, as you can see =)

Love you friend! Love blogging! I told you...There are lots of things floating inside my head! =)

Amanda said...

Haha Just saw that you wrote me back on this one.

Run your car ideas by me and Ill let you know if youre dumb or not. haha. I think that you should get something with 4 doors(for obvious reasons). You live and learn in the car department. We wish we wouldnt have gotten the Jetta, but cant exactly go back now. lol.