Sunday, April 25, 2010

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I love Sunday mornings, almost as much as Thursdays. There is something to be said about drinking coffee late into the morning, watching my church service online, finishing up chores, grocery shopping and relaxing. Today that relaxing is going to be done in the sun. Even better. 

This week has gone really well. It's not that I have been missing J any less, but I feel like I have fallen into a routine. The weekends are nice. I've been spending at least one day doing something fun that distracts me from being lonely. Last weekend was hiking, this weekend was baby showers and an awards ceremony for work with drinks with my che'lu and some friends afterwards.

I can't wait until J is  based so I will (hopefully) get to have these relaxing Sunday's with him once again. This time apart has just proven to me that my marriage is one of the best decisions of my life. Second to deciding to have a relationship with Jesus. With out those two things, I would not be the person I am today. I am so thankful for that. Spending this time apart from J makes me realize all of the wonderful things about him and also reminds me of all the fun we have together and the things I want to do in our future. I can only hope and pray that our relationship continues to grow in this way. But right now I am ready to see his face again. I miss that boy!

Love you all, and God bless!!

P.S. Che'lu means brother or sister in Chammoro (Guamanian). I mean my sister-in-law here, but she needed a cooler name that sister-in-law. And I lover her like a sister, so che'lu it is!

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