Sunday, April 10, 2011

39 Weeks

How far along?: 39

Total weight gain: 45ish pounds

How big is Baby?:  7 pounds, and 19 to 22 inches. I'm honestly hoping for smaller =)

Maternity clothes?  Oh yeah....I love me some stretchy pants!

Stretch marks?: None on my belly!

Sleep?: Still pretty good. Up every few hours to pee. And some days I can't fall back asleep. But all in all pretty good!

Movement?: I have a ninja. 'Nuff said!

Food cravings?: This weekend I loooovveee ice tea with lemon. And of course all I really want is fried, greasy, and sugary....great!

Labor Signs:  Nope. Hardly any BH contractions. So I am thinking either he is never coming out, so when I do get contractions they will be the real deal. 

Milestone: Last week before my due date. Plus this is my last week of work, woo hoo!!! Friday is my last official day (unless I go into labor first). And I can't wait to be done! Hopefully my lil Ninja will cooperate and not make me wait at home for him forever. 

How's Mom?: Still great! I feel really good. Baby has dropped. And I am walking a TON (10-12 miles this week) and loving that. I am still waiting to feel super uncomfortable but it hasn't happened yet. There are some things that are getting harder (like getting into a car, and drying off my feet after a shower, that's a long reach!) but mostly, everything is awesome!

I am starting to worry that I'll have to get induced (not something I want to do!) . And I am crazy for feeling this way! I still have a week to go to my due date (either the 16th or 17th depending on the doctor) plus another week and some days before they would consider inducing me. So really nothing to worry about at this point. I am trying (continually praying actually) that I will give up my time schedule and give it to God. He will time everything perfectly and I don't need to worry. But I am horribly impatient and would like to quit waiting now. But I'm letting go, and letting God. Well, at least I'm trying!

Hopefully there will be some great news in these next few days. Next doctor's appointment is Friday, so maybe something will be happening by then. 


1 comment:

Jen said...

You are so close!