Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fabulous Weekend!

This weekend was FABULOUS! Friday night was on the quiet side. My in-laws left Friday for a friends cabin. I spent the evening relaxing, drinking a yummy vodka lemonade, and eating lumpia. Lumpia is a Chammoro dish (Guamanian) that is like spring rolls with meat but way way better. They are so yummy and amazing. And a total treat. We had some left over (frozen) from Christmas maybe and I finally got my hands on them. Not quite as good as when they are fresh, but pretty darn amazing still. I caught up on some TV shows and just kind of relaxed and rejuvenated. Yay =0)

Then Saturday I worked and thankfully it was not crazy. It still went by fast and that was awesome! After work I got to go to lunch for a friends birthday and that was nice. I felt a little bad because I had to ditch out on wine tasting with the girls but I went and met up with my in-laws at the cabin. Being at the cabin is amazing. I was only there for the late after noon, night, and the we left early this morning. Totally worth it though! We played cards, I lost, but had tons of fun! And the night was topped off with tent camping with my doggies. Love being in the outdoors! 

Today we went rafting...Ahh one of my absolute favorite things to do. The only thing missing today was J. He is my rower. We have the best time on the boat just chatting, soaking in the sun, and just being with each other. Love. So today was almost perfect. We went rafting with the family. My father in law rowed and MoLaw and I soaked up the sun. We ended up with my nieces a few times and OMG they are total dolls! We went swimming, ate amazing food, laughed really hard and had a great time. At one point I was stepping from one boat to the other, slipped on the wet rubber, slid into Doc, and laid on the bottom of the boat giggling. Our whole crew was laughing so hard at my little fall that it made it hard for me to stop laughing! I am a little clumsy, but no worse for the wear! 

What a fabulous weekend and in less that 2 weeks my hunny will be here too!!!! YAY!!!!!

Here are some pictures from our rafting trip:
Love my river, I do!


Doc looking beautiful!

Bob is a swimmer!

Doc fetching

So happy!!!
Sorry for the long post!

1 comment:

Meesh said...

awesome!! I heart rafting! I'm looking forward to next summer when baby is here and can stay with gramma and gramnpa and Mike and I can hot the water!!